暑假快要来喽,真替孩子们高兴,回想小编的上一个暑假,都不知是啥时候了。 在这个孩子们来说漫长的假期,其实有很多有意思的事情可以做~这不,小编找到了一份“美国孩子在暑假必做的100件事”清单,看看美国的小朋友在假期都在做什么吧,如果各位粑粑麻麻觉得不错,也可以带着宝贝们去实践一下哦。 童年记忆 1. Go on a trip. 去旅行 2. Play soccer. 踢足球 3. Do karate. 玩空手道 4. Blow bubbles. 吹泡泡 5. Visit people. 拜访别人 6. Watch a movie. 看场电影 7. Bake cookies. 烤饼干 8. Go to a farm. 去农场 9. Play tennis. 打网球 10. Go bowling. 打保龄球 11. Play outside. 出去玩 12. Go to summer school. 参加暑期学校 13. Go camping. 去野营 14. Go swimming. 去游泳 15. Do gymnastics. 练体操 16. Play baseball. 打棒球 17. Go to the beach. 去海边 18. Go fishing. 去钓鱼 19. Go to the library. 去图书馆 20. Write a poem. 写首诗 21. Play with clay. 玩彩泥 22. Write a book. 写本书 23. Play basketball. 打篮球 24. Play with siblings. 和哥哥姐姐玩 25. Play with cousins. 和表兄妹玩 26. Go bird watching. 观察小鸟 27. Pick flowers. 采花 28. Put a puzzle together. 玩拼图 29. Catch butterflies or bugs. 抓蝴蝶或者虫子 30. Make a paper airplane. 做纸飞机 31. Wash the car. 洗车 32. Go out to dinner. 出去吃晚饭 33. Go an arcade. 去游乐场 34. Take a walk. 散散步 35. Go to the fair. 去集市 36. Go to the roller skating rink. 去轮滑 37. Go to the skating rink. 去溜冰 38. Go to a water park. 去水上乐园 39. Play video games. 打电子游戏 40. Look through a kaleidoscope. 玩万花筒 41. Jump rope. 跳绳 42. Have a party. 开个派对 43. Go sailing. 去远航 44. Read a book. 读书 45. Go to the zoo. 去动物园 46. Play hide-and-seek. 玩捉迷藏 47. Go to a friend's house. 去朋友家玩 48. Fly a kite. 放风筝 49. Ride a bike. 骑自行车 50. Visit grandparents. 去爷爷奶奶外公外婆家玩 51. Do chores with a smile. 带着微笑做家务 52. Eat ice cream. 吃冰淇淋 53. Take a nap. 睡午觉 54. Draw. 画画 55. Plant a garden. 种植物 56. Write a letter. 写封信 57. Play with a pet. 和宠物玩 58. Color. 涂色 59. Bake a cake. 做蛋糕 60. Order a pizza. 点个披萨 61. Go to a burger joint. 去吃汉堡 62. Have a picnic. 去野餐 63. Play checkers. 下跳棋 64. Play bingo. 玩bingo游戏 65. Help your parents. 帮助爸爸妈妈 66. Go to the mall. 去逛商场 67. Have a slumber party. 开个睡衣晚会 68. Play cards. 打牌 69. Clean your room. 打扫房间 70. Play "I Spy." 玩“I spy”的游戏 71. Listen to music. 听音乐 72. Call a friend. 给朋友打电话 73. Catch tadpoles. 抓蝌蚪 74. Jog. 慢跑 75. Make a banana split. 做个香蕉冰淇淋圣代 76. Paint. 涂颜料 77. Cook something new. 下厨做菜 78. Read comic books. 看漫画书 79. Write in a journal. 写日记 80. Run through the sprinklers. 跟洒水机玩 81. Play volleyball. 打排球 82. Make an art project. 做个艺术品 83. Play musical chairs. 玩音乐椅的游戏 84. Climb a tree. 爬树 85. Sing a song. 唱歌 86. Call your grandparents. 给爷爷奶奶外公外婆打电话 87. Get a tan. 把皮肤晒黑 88. Go shopping. 去购物 89. Watch TV. 看电视 90. Play with friends. 和朋友一起玩 91. Play football. 玩橄榄球 92. Go to a park. 去公园玩 93. Go to a theater. 去看电影 94. Play racketball. 打壁球 95. Go on a vacation. 去度假 96. Play hopscotch. 玩跳房子 97. Sleep late. 睡个懒觉 98. Go to a discovery zone. 去探索基地 99. Play at a playground. 去操场玩 100. Go to ABIE. 这100件有你喜欢的吗? 尤其是最后一件,特别重要! 快带着孩子,在这个暑假去实现吧~ 祝孩子们有一个快乐的暑假哦~ -END- 地址 关山大道K11旁世达大厦三楼博奥教育城内 咨询电话 027-87771855 爱贝国际少儿英语光谷中心正式对外,全程外教、美国总部原版绘本、区角等活动,欢迎各位朋友带孩子来玩耍。 扫描下方二维码或拨打电话进行咨询