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2022-07-20 11:42:37欧亚外语来源:http://wh.oya365.com


Part 3: Details Discussion


1. Why it is important for people to have time for leisure activities?
Answer: In this modern and busy life, we sometimes become overwhelmed with our duties and responsibilities. That’s why, sometimes, we need to have time for some leisure activities as it helps us reduce our stress and depression by allowing us to spend our time more wisely and efficiently. Besides, leisure activities provide us the chance to find a balance in our life which is absolutely essential to ensure personal and professional satisfaction in our lives. Finally, leisure activities allow us to “recharge” our brains and bodies to face the next important challenges.

2. What types of leisure activities are popular in your country?
Answer: There are a number of leisure activities that are popular in my country. Activities, like playing different kinds of sports, watching movies, visiting café and restaurants. Activity, like visiting some beautiful places, depending on the time of the year, is also enjoyed by many people in my country. Then, of course, playing video games is also something which is hugely popular among the young generation.

3. Are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young?
Answer: No, as the time has changed, the popularities of different leisure activities have also changed. For example, when our parents were young, activities like watching TV/movies, visiting families/relatives were more popular. But, today, activities like visiting a gym nearby, shopping, and playing video games have grown equally popular because of technological advancements as well as increasing health and fashion awareness. Besides, people today, as opposed to the time of our young parents, want more from their lives, and as a result, they naturally tend to explore new forms of leisure activities.

4. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
Answer: I think that leisure activities, which involve the internet, computer, social media, and other kinds of modern technologies, are going to be more popular in the future. Besides, the activity like travelling to a distant yet beautiful and exciting land is going to be more popular in the future as well because it is becoming easier and easier to learn about those places, courtesy to satellite TV channels and the internet, which have literally brought the whole world into our bedrooms. 










上一篇:高频预测 |7月下旬雅思口语的复习宝典


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